Travel Thursday Tip | Volunteer Abroad & Earn Free Accommodation

Those who travel broaden their horizons. Those who volunteer and travel broaden the horizons of others…

One of the many things that hold us back from traveling is money. Thinking about airfare, accommodation, food, and leisure can be discouraging when considering booking your next trip. However, what if we told you there was a way you could earn free accommodation as a volunteer? Even better, what if you were given the opportunity to experience cultural immersion, learn languages, and develop new skills?

Would you book your next trip without hesitation?

Worldpackers is an “online platform that connects travelers with incredible hosts on a global scale—who are looking to exchange their skills for accommodation.” This community revolutionizes volunteer travel by adding a cultural immersion component to it. Worldpackers allows you to choose from diverse work opportunities such as cooking and bartending, entertaining guests, communication and marketing, teaching, community work, and much more. When you connect with a Worldpacker host–such as a hostel, hotel, homestay, etc–you get free accommodation and other perks such as food, tours, etc.

Costa Rica – “Pura Vida”

Here at Turtle-y Awesome Travel, we don’t suggest anything without first experiencing it ourselves. Our travel advisors have experienced a Worldpackers trip and loved it.

Leonela, our newest Travel Advisor, lived in the luscious jungles of Costa Rica for free. She did a work exchange program helping a local hostel with their guest relations and received free accommodation in return. Overall, she was able to immerse herself into the “Pura Vida” culture, all while making lifelong connections with local people and saving $.

At TATLLCyou do the dreaming, and we do the planning. We are passionate about finding ways to make travel affordable for you, and Worldpackers is one of them!

Book a free 30 mins consultation with our Travel Advisors to learn more about how we can curate your perfect volunteer abroad opportunity and how you can start traveling as a volunteer.


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